Causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
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Known by the distinctive pain in the nerves of your hands and fingers, carpal tunnel syndrome is signified by painful pressure on the median nerve in your hand. Patients who are suffering from untreated carpal tunnel syndrome are likely to experience a lot of pain in their wrists, hands, and forearms. Knowing the causes of carpal tunnel syndrome is the first step in preventing it.

There can be several causes that range from genetics to repeated hand movements. In some cases, a true cause cannot be found at all. Below we have highlighted the major causes of carpal tunnel syndrome and some treatment options that may work well for you.

Major Causes

The pain a carpal tunnel patient feels in the wrist is due to the pressure being applied on the median nerve. This is a gateway to inflammation, swelling, and exacerbated symptoms. But what causes the median nerve to be affected like this in the first place?

Some of the biggest causes of carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Repeated quick movements of the wrist and fingers
  • Long-term use of vibrating tools
  • High blood pressure
  • Arthritis
  • Tumors or cysts in the carpal tunnel area
  • Previous thyroid conditions
  • Physical damage, trauma, or fracture to the wrist
  • Fluid retention in the wrist as a result of menopause or pregnancy
  • Diabetes

Any hereditary structural problems in this area of the hand can make you more susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Risk Factors

In addition, the common causes of this syndrome, there are also many risk factors to be aware of. Research shows prior fractures combined with sulphonylureas or insulin give patients a higher chance of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.

Some studies also suggest that physical factors are contributors to this ailment. These include the shape of your wrist, your likelihood of obesity, and blood pressure irregularities .

Jobs to Avoid

Those who work in assembly lines, manufacturing, construction, or jobs that require continuous typing are at a higher risk of developing CTS. You shouldn’t worry about changing your occupation just to avoid developing this syndrome. Still, it’s important to keep your daily physical habits in mind.

Treatment Options

There are both surgical and non-surgical options available to treat your carpal tunnel syndrome. Also, the severity of your symptoms determines the best solution for you. At Yashar Neurosurgery, we offer many non-surgical interventions such as wrist splints, medical prescriptions, and physical therapy. Our doctors aim to provide lifestyle interventions to help you reduce the factors that can contribute to the development of CTS.

We also like to work with patients to help them reduce their diabetes, arthritis, and high blood pressure symptoms. These are the most common causes of this condition.

We recommend lifestyle changes that can help you avoid any or all risk factors. If your condition has been untreated for some time, and you are experiencing more severe CTS symptoms, surgical intervention may be necessary. Dr. Yashar is happy to schedule a consultation with you to discuss CTS treatment options.

Take Care of Your Hands!

There are simple steps you can take to reduce your risk factors and ensure that you are not susceptible to carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. Remember to keep your hands warm, as the cold can stiffen your joints and cause inflammation. You should also try to practice different hand posture exercises that contribute to your wellness in more ways than one.

If you are having difficulty managing your carpal tunnel symptoms or believe you may be at risk of developing CTS, get in touch with our neurosurgery specialists at Yashar Neurosurgery. We can work with you to create a customized plan that best fits your needs. For more information, get in touch with us online or give us a call at (424) 361-0923 to schedule a consultation.