Hidden Symptoms of Spine Tumors
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Spinal tumors are abnormal growths that develop within or near the spinal cord. They can be either benign or malignant. Benign tumors are non-cancerous and malignant tumors are cancerous. Spinal tumors can originate from the spinal cord itself, or they can be secondary tumors that have spread from other parts of the body. Their presence can lead to various neurological symptoms and complications. This can dramatically impact your daily life, so it is important to seek treatment from a spinal specialist right away. Below you will find some of the hidden symptoms of spine tumors and when it’s time to seek medical treatment.

Hidden Symptoms of Spine Tumors

Each person is uniquely different, so the symptoms of spinal tumors can vary. In addition, the type of tumor, the location on the spine, and how much pressure the tumor is putting on the spine or nerve roots can also result in varying symptoms. Consider some of the symptoms associated with spinal tumors.

  • Back pain (that gets worse, especially when you lie down)
  • Muscle weakness or numbness in the arms or legs
  • Pain or difficulty when you stand
  • Loss of sensation, numbness, or tingling
  • Loss of feeling in certain areas of the body
  • Inability to control your bowels and bladder
  • Paralysis
  • Spinal deformities
  • Erectile dysfunction

Causes of Spinal Tumors

The nature of the spine is extremely delicate as its critical role involves transmitting nerve signals throughout the body. If you experience any of the symptoms associated with spinal tumors, it’s important to seek medical attention right away. Spinal tumors pose significant challenges in diagnosis and treatment. This is why prompt medical attention and specialized care are essential in managing spinal tumors. Managing the spinal tumor can minimize their impact on a person’s overall health and quality of life.

While researchers have not found the precise cause of tumors, they speculate that the development of these tumors may be influenced by various factors. Factors include things like genetic conditions and exposure to carcinogens. However, spinal tumors can also be secondary issues caused by cancer from another region of the body. Lung and breast cancer have been identified as the most common causes of secondary spinal tumors. This is continuously being investigated and researched due to the serious ramifications caused by spinal tumors.

Spinal Tumor Diagnosis

For those who have any symptoms associated with spinal tumors, it’s important to seek medical attention from a spinal surgeon. However, sometimes you may not have obvious symptoms, and a spinal tumor can be unexpectedly discovered during a checkup or a visit about some other issue. Proper diagnosis is necessary to ensure you get effective treatment right away.

If your medical provider suspects you may have a spinal tumor, they will thoroughly examine your back and may conduct tests to assess your neurological function. Further investigation may be necessary to be sure they have got your diagnosis right. They will likely test your blood and may take images of your spine with an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI. This can provide them with a clear picture of the affected area. The doctor may also take a biopsy to obtain tissue samples for a definitive diagnosis.

Spinal Tumor Treatment

By combining a number of diagnostic tools, your doctor can accurately diagnose the issue. This will help them understand the best and most effective treatment strategy. Early diagnosis and treatment is the most important factor in your recovery. Each patient is uniquely different, so treatment for spine tumors will vary. A skilled spinal specialist and surgeon is necessary as they can help you navigate the process and ensure your long-term health.