What You Need to Know About Compression Fractures
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If you’ve suffered from a painful injury that affects your spine, you might have a compression fracture. While it may or may not lead to osteoporosis, it’s imperative to understand the causes and symptoms of a dangerous compression fracture. At the office of Dr. Yashar there are many ways to look for the signs of a compression fracture. Dr. Yashar is eager to answer your questions regarding compression fractures Beverly Hills.

If you’re wanting to know more about how these fractures occur, and what the warning signs are, follow the quick guide below. Use this information to determine the status of your back pain and let us know what you think.

What is a Compression Fracture?

Medically, a compression fracture is defined as a bone in the spine that has lowered up to 20% from its original height due to a fracture or injury. This can be an extremely painful experience, one that can occur anywhere along the spine.

Compression fractures typically affect vertebral bones and is most common in the upper back portion of the spine. They are often seen in upper lumbar systems as well. When a compression fracture occurs, the bone will collapse in front of the spine, causing a compression in the front. This makes the vertebra slightly wedge-shaped, causing chronic pain and often leading to osteoporosis.

What are the Symptoms of a Compression Fracture?

There are many ways that you can identify a compression fracture before visiting your compression fracture specialist in Los Angeles for a full body scan. Some of the more common symptoms include:

Back pain
● Chronic back pain
● Back deformities
● Loss of height
● Lack of muscle conditioning
● Crowding internal organs
● Lack of ability to perform physical activity or exercise
● Negative self-image ideas

If a compression fracture is severe enough, it can ultimately lead to a loss in the ability to perform everyday functions comfortably. Those with physical deformities due to this fracture may suffer with self-esteem issues and eventually they will lose confidence in themselves. This can lead to the development of unhealthy habits that generally decrease their quality of life.

However, those who have any direct damage to the spinal cord or nerves do not have compression fractures to blame. It is very rare that this damage can affect the nerves, as the fracture is limited to the front of the vertebrae itself.

How are Compression Fractures Diagnosed?

It sometimes takes the care of a highly specified professional to be able to properly diagnose and prescribe treatment for compression fractures. Oftentimes, a primary doctor will dismiss the pain or discomfort as typical back pain, which every human is prone to experiencing.

However, it is integral that a compression fracture be treated quickly and properly. You can trust in the professionalism and expertise of Dr. Yashar to be able to accurately diagnose and treat the symptoms of a compression fracture. Unfortunately, over two-thirds of vertebral fractures each year are not accurately diagnosed. This can lead to the development of worsening chronic pain and overall unhappiness with comfortability and self-image.

Compression Fractures in Los Angeles

Dr. Parham Yashar is a certified neurosurgeon and spine surgeon, specializing in pain and symptoms involving the vertebrae. If you believe that you have suffered from a compression fracture, and you are interested in obtaining a healthy and accurate diagnosis, be sure to schedule an appointment with our Beverly Hills office today.

We don’t want you to wait a moment longer with the pain you are suffering. To get in touch with us, simply send us a message online or give us a call at (424) 361-0923 to speak to a friendly staff member.