About the Peripheral Nerve System
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Among the multitude of systems that make up our bodies, the peripheral nervous system is one of the most sensitive systems, as it is made up of 43 of our most vital and significant nerves. The peripheral nervous system is composed of nerves that control motor skills and coordination, sensation of pain, heat, cold temperatures, other sensitive symptoms, and major body movements. Find out more about your peripheral nervous system, the functions it controls, and how injuries to this system can impact your body by reading our comprehensive guide to the peripheral nervous system. If you are looking for a talented and professional neurosurgeon in Los Angeles to help treat your nervous system injuries, contact Yashar Neurosurgery now and get treatment today!

Facts About the Peripheral Nerve System

Your peripheral nervous system is made up of major nerves such as the Radial nerve, the Spinal Accessory nerve, the Brachial Plexus nerve, Tibial nerve and Ulnar nerve. Each of these major nerves is responsible for an integral function of your body. The brachial plexus nerve is comprised of a collection of other nerves and serves as a base for four spinal nerves branching from C5 through C8, and your T1 vertebrae. Your Brachial Plexus is also responsible for the feeling in your upper limbs, as well as your ability to move them around. Stemming from the Brachial Plexus nerve is the Radial nerve. These nerves are connected through the back of the Brachial Plexus and the Radial nerve is responsible for providing sensation and mobility to the back of your hand, and the muscles along your forearm. This nerve is an easier one to remember, as it accompanies the radial bones that are located in each arm. The Radial nerve allows you to extend your fingers and fully straighten them. If you are concerned about your peripheral nervous system and are searching for the right neurosurgeon in Los Angeles to help treat your pain, call Yashar Neurosurgery today to get started with your first consultation appointment.

The Spinal Accessory nerve is connected to all the other nerves in the cranial nerve network. This means that the Spinal Accessory nerve controls most upper body movements, especially in your shoulders. Shrugging motions, and scapula exercises are made capable by the location and capability of your Spinal Accessory nerve, which is located on the side of your neck. Your Tibial nerve extends as a branch from the sciatic nerve, and it is responsible for giving sensation to the bottom of your feet, and it supports the length of your calf muscles, allowing you to extend and stretch your toes. The Ulnar nerve is another nerve that branches from your Brachial Plexus, and, like the radial and tibial nerves, it is also labeled for its location to the similarly named bone. The Tibial nerve is responsible for the movements and sensation of half of your 4th finger, and all your 5th finger sensations. It also allows for fine motor skill movements of your fingers, and the flexibility of wrist.

Treating Injuries to Your Peripheral Nervous System

If you experience an injury to your peripheral nervous system, it can be a difficult problem to diagnose and fix, due to the complexity of the system. Your nerves are extremely delicate and damaging a nerve or a combination of nerves can lead to severe pain, and numbness in your extremities. If you begin to feel numbness in your limbs or nerve pain in a concentrated area of your body that persists for longer than two days, seek out an expert opinion from a neurosurgeon in Los Angeles and get the treatment you need. Because nerves are such delicate and difficult structures, surgery is often a necessary treatment to repair any significant damage. Call Yashar Neurosurgery today to schedule an appointment and get a full check-up for your nerve pain so you can start feeling better, sooner!