Can Scoliosis be Prevented?
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On the surface, scoliosis may seem like an annoying problem, but it can be more than just an inconvenience. With potential complications like heart damage, chronic back pain, and difficulty breathing, a scoliosis diagnosis can change the health trajectory of the patient’s life. If you were diagnosed when you were a child or know someone who has scoliosis, then you may be wondering if there is anything that you can do to prevent it or deter it from getting worse. To get more information on spine surgery in Los Angeles, contact Neurosurgeon, Dr. Yashar today.

Can scoliosis be prevented?

What Causes Scoliosis?

Professionals are not sure at this time what causes scoliosis. While many originally believed that poor posture and improper back support had an impact on the diagnosis, there has not been any solid research to support that. However, there are some factors that have been commonly linked to scoliosis. One of the most common elements is family history since hereditary factors tend to play an influential role in the likelihood of being diagnosed. If you or anyone in your family has suffered from scoliosis, it is important to keep an eye on your children from potential signs.

Other conditions that can lead to scoliosis include:

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Injuries to the spine
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Infections that impact the spine

It is also important to consider potential risk factors that can directly impact the health of your spine. These risk factors include age and gender.

What are the Signs of Scoliosis?

Since scoliosis causes a curvature in the spine, there are a few apparent signs that you can look out for. If you notice that your shoulders are uneven, or that one hip is significantly higher than the other, then the curvature in your spine may be drastic enough to be scoliosis.

Since most of us do not check our alignment regularly, here are some symptoms of having uneven hips: trouble walking, unable to stand straight, and pain in the legs. There are physical signs of scoliosis as well. Having a bump in the lower back or bony bumps on the spine are serious signs you may be suffering from scoliosis. Finally, if you feel full quickly, this can be the curve in your spine causing your stomach to be under pressure. In addition, an uneven waist or a shoulder blade can indicate that you need to schedule some time with a professional to check the health of your spine. To speak with Dr. Yashar’s team on treatment options available, contact our team today.

What are the Treatments for Scoliosis?

The earlier you diagnose scoliosis, the better it can be treated. Although things such as core strengthening and flexibility training are great to build the muscles around the spine, but cannot help with the curve of the spine. In many cases, if the curve is not prominent, you can use exercises and stretching to mitigate the symptoms. For a more troublesome form of scoliosis, bracing can help keep it from getting worse. Unfortunately, even the brace will not be able to reverse the curve in the spine completely. 25% of all children that utilize the brace option see a beneficial impact. For the most severe cases that cannot be helped with a brace, surgery may be required.

In many cases of scoliosis, the curve in the back will continue to grow and become worse as you age. It is important to catch the problem as early as possible to keep it from getting worse. If any of these symptoms appear or become worse, you should see a doctor right away. It might be easy to rationalize the symptoms as poor posture, but it’s better to get tested and know for sure.