The Brain
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Can You Feel a Brain Tumor?

brain cancer

Your brain is the effective center of everything you perceive. Your physical actions, emotions, and experiences are all processed through your brain within the protective shell of your skull. Therefore, when a tumor begins to develop, it doesn’t present with the same symptoms that you might expect from a tumor located in a different region … Read more

Can Headaches Be Deadly?

Sad woman covering her ears standing isolated over white background

Headaches are extremely common and occur for a multitude of reasons. The majority of the time, they are harmless. Many headaches are relatively mild and dissipate quickly. Stress can lead to a tension headache. Staring at a screen too long can cause a headache. Not drinking enough water can cause a headache. With so many … Read more

What is a Meningioma?

doctor showing patient artificial spine

The brain is the body’s most powerful and complex organ, and subsequently, the diseases and conditions that can develop in the brain can affect us the most. Because the brain is so involved with our every action, movement, breath, thought, and feeling, it can be a great detriment when it ceases to function normally. Some … Read more

Just How Dangerous are Concussions?

doctor showing patient artificial spine

Many people have gotten concussions in their lifetime, whether it be from playing sports, getting into an accident or other ways. While you may think this injury is not a big deal, it can be, so it is important to know the facts. Usually, this injury is not life-threatening, but they can still become a … Read more

The Different Types of Brain Tumors

doctor showing patient artificial spine

Abnormal growths found in the brain are called brain tumors, and they can be present at birth or develop over time. There are a few different types of brain tumors out there, all with their own unique symptoms and complications – and not all are cancerous. To get a better idea of the different type … Read more

Treatments Available for Brain Aneurysms

doctor showing patient artificial spine

There are two common options for brain aneurysm treatments. Both involve some amount of risk. Coil Embolization For this procedure, a catheter is placed in the groin and runs up to the brain aneurysm. After that, tiny, soft platinum coils are placed in the aneurysm. A blood clot will form around the coil in order … Read more

What Happens to Our Brains When We Sleep?

doctor showing patient artificial spine

Sleep has been a mystery for a long period of time though scientists have conducted countless hours of research to find out what is happening while our body rests. Research continues to find out what our mind and our body does during periods of rest. Sleep helps to reenergize the body’s cells, clear waste from … Read more

What Causes Brain Tumors?

doctor showing patient artificial spine

Though it is not known exactly what causes brain tumors, there are several risk factors that have been identified. What is a Brain Tumor? Abnormal cells that have collected in the brain are considered a tumor. They can either be malignant (cancerous) or benign (unlikely to spread). Because there is a limited amount of space … Read more

What Causes a Brain Aneurysm?

doctor showing patient artificial spine

Though aneurysms can appear anywhere in the brain, they are most common in arteries at the base of the brain. Specifically, a cerebral or brain aneurysm occurs when a weak spot in the brain’s arterial wall bulges and begins to fill up with blood. It may also be called an intracranial aneurysm, and at times, … Read more