What is a Meningioma?
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The brain is the body’s most powerful and complex organ, and subsequently, the diseases and conditions that can develop in the brain can affect us the most. Because the brain is so involved with our every action, movement, breath, thought, and feeling, it can be a great detriment when it ceases to function normally.

Some medical conditions, such as a meningioma, may develop later in life and are very difficult to diagnose in the early stages. To learn more about meningiomas, Dr. Parham Yashar and his team of friendly staff members have developed this guide to give you all the information you need to know about meningiomas and meningeal tumors.

What Exactly are Meningiomas?

Meningiomas refer to tumors that grow in the membrane cells around the brain. They are different from other brain tumors or cancerous tumors due to the fact that they do not grow from brain tissue itself. Rather, meningeal tumors grow from the membranes that cover the brain and the top of the spinal cord.

Meningiomas are most often found along the top or the and outer curve of the brain. Sometimes, they can be found at the base of the skull as well, which is indicative of tumors being present on the spinal cord.

It is unknown how or why these tumors form, but some genetic conditions such as damaged chromosomes or radiation poisoning can contribute to their development.

How Do the Tumors Grow?

Meningeal tumors grow inward as they expand, causing pressure on the brain and the spinal cord. Meningioma are slow-growing tumors, and are often not even diagnosed until they are of a certain size.

Most meningeal tumors are filled with fluid, cysts, blood vessels, or mineral deposit calcifications. The pressure caused by the inward growth typically causes headaches, visual blurriness, and spinal weakness, which can worsen over time.

Are the Tumors Benign?

Fortunately, meningioma are most typically benign. Only in the rarest of cases are the tumors malignant. If left untreated, the tumors can cause a change in personality due to the pressure they put on certain parts of the brain. Occasionally, the large tumors can cause seizures as well.

Most meningeal tumors are non-cancerous, and the only harm they cause is related to the pressure the tumors put on the brain. They can be removed through a neurosurgical procedure.

Meningeal tumors account for over 36% of all brain tumors. The symptoms resulting from the tumors can vary depending on the growth, severity, and location of the tumors. They are most commonly found in females between the ages of 30 and 50.

How Are Meningeal Tumors Treated?

Our professionals at Yashar Neurosurgery can take care of meningeal tumors with a short exam and a procedure. Typically, the process of identifying these tumors involves an MRI or CT scan. Dr. Parham Yashar will carefully assess the results of the scan to identify the location and severity of the meningioma.

Surgery is never the first option for treatment. Our doctor will explore other avenues for conservation, including radiation therapy and simple observation. If surgery becomes the best option, you will be prepared beforehand with a consultation.

During the surgical procedure, Dr. Yashar will remove part of your skull near the tumor in order to remove it, and then the part of the skull will be replaced once surgery is complete.

Visit Us for a Scan Today!

At Yashar Neurosurgery, we want to give you the best quality care possible. If you are worried about meningeal tumors, or if you are suffering from an ailment that may be affecting the brain, our friendly professionals can help right away. Don’t hesitate to contact us online or give us a call at (424) 361-0923 to schedule a consultation.