The Different Types of Brain Tumors
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Abnormal growths found in the brain are called brain tumors, and they can be present at birth or develop over time. There are a few different types of brain tumors out there, all with their own unique symptoms and complications – and not all are cancerous. To get a better idea of the different type of brain tumors, check out our guide below:Abnormal growths found in the brain are called brain tumors, and they can be present at birth or develop over time. There are a few different types of brain tumors out there, all with their own unique symptoms and complications – and not all are cancerous. To get a better idea of the different type of brain tumors, check out our guide below:


What: Meningiomas are tumors that push the brain away rather than growing within it. Because they are slow growing, they are not as threatening as other types of brain tumors. The slow growth means that they have a lessened potential to spread. However, some types of Meningiomas can grow quickly and present cancer-like behavior. These are called atypical meningiomas or anaplastic meningiomas, and are fortunately rare. People with this type of tumor will present with different symptoms depending on where the meningioma is located. To diagnose and locate the meningioma, a doctor will use imaging tests.

Where: These types of tumors grow on the spinal cord, or the exterior of the brain.

Cancerous/benign: Usually these tumors are benign.

Treatment: Surgeons will usually observe the tumor, surgically remove it or recommend radiation therapy.

Pituitary Tumor

What: These tumors may come about as the result of too many hormones present that regulate the vital functions of your body. Some pituitary tumors do not produce any signs or symptoms at all, while others do. For example, these tumors can sometimes even produce hormones (called functioning tumors), which will cause a variety of signs and symptoms. Those that are not functioning usually don’t produce any symptoms.

Where: These brain tumors grow, like the name suggests, on the pituitary gland.

Cancerous/benign: Usually these tumors are benign.

Treatment: Your doctor will consider a few different options. The doctor may recommend that the tumor be removed, controlling its growth with hormones or even just observing it.


What: These types of tumors will usually cause one-sided hearing loss, buzzing and/or ringing in your ear. They might also cause facial paralysis because they are pressing on a facial nerve. While the cause of Schwannomas is not known to doctors and scientists, it has been suggested that a gene that prevents tumors from being formed is flawed in a person.

Where: Typically, these tumors are found at the back of the skull, in the middle of the pons and cerebellum on the vestibular nerve.

Cancerous/benign: Benign

Treatment: Your doctor may recommend the complete removal of the tumor or even stereostatic radiosurgery.

Brain Metastasis

What: When cancerous cells from one part of the body spread to the brain and form tumors, this is called Metastatic brain cancer. Depending on the location and size of the tumor, symptoms can vary but usually include headaches, seizures, speech problems, comprehension problems, impaired vision, weakness or numbness in parts of the body and motor problems. A doctor will diagnose this with an imaging test, like an MRI and CT scan.

Where: The location can vary.

Cancerous/benign: Cancerous

Treatment: The type of treatment depends on a few factors, like the patient’s overall health, the location, the state of the patient’s systemic disease, and the number of lesions. Treatment will most likely include radiation, surgery and even chemotherapy.

Brain Tumor Treatment Beverly Hills

Dr. Yashar from Yashar Neurosurgery is one of the top neurosurgeon in Los Angeles. Dr. Yashar and our team are located in Beverley Hills, and we are dedicated to providing our patients compassionate and effective care that guides them through each step in their treatment process. Dr. Yashar will provide each patient with an individual treatment plan, tailored to their unique needs. For more information about the types of brain tumors and brain tumor treatment in Beverly Hills, click here.