Do I Have Flatback Posture?
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Your posture is important for your health as it can help ensure your body is properly aligned and balanced. However, poor posture can put stress on your muscles, joints, and ligaments. If left untreated, it can also impact your gait and physical health. You may wonder, do I have flatback posture? Below you will find more information about the syndrome and what you can do to maintain good posture.

Do I Have Flatback Posture?

Flat back posture, also referred to as “flat back syndrome,” occurs when your lower back has lost its natural curve. Your lower back is referred to as your “lumbar spine” and is highly important as it provides stability for your back and spinal column. In fact, it is responsible for supporting most of your body’s weight. It is also a point of attachment for a number of muscles and ligaments, and is your body’s center of balance. Flatback syndrome is caused by repetitive poor sitting and standing postures.

Common indicators that you may have flatback posture include back pain, neck pain, muscle fatigue, and difficulty standing up straight. Back pain is the most common symptom and a good indication something may be wrong with your back. Neck pain is also common and can be caused by issues with your spinal bones and the discs between your vertebrae. Muscle fatigue is also associated with flatback posture as your muscles can become sore if portions of your back are overworked. With back issues such as flatback posture, you may find it difficult to maintain a straight back and proper posture. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact a spine doctor and neurosurgeon as they can diagnose the issue.

Causes of Flatback Syndrome

There are a number of causes of flatback syndrome.

Poor Posture:

Having poor posture can inevitably lead to flat back syndrome. When you lean forward or slouch, the muscles and ligaments in your back stretch. This can cause weakness and lead to the syndrome.

Natural Aging:

The natural aging process can result in your muscles and ligaments becoming weaker and less flexible. This can make them more prone to injury and other back issues, such as flatback syndrome.


Pregnancy results in additional weight in the abdomen area. The weight of a baby can put strain on the muscles and ligaments in the lower back which can lead to flat back syndrome.

Genetic Conditions:

There are some inherited conditions that can impact your posture. In fact, some people are born with conditions that impact their bones and make them less likely to stay in the right position. This can result in flatback syndrome if not addressed early on.


A back injury can easily damage your spine and lower back which can cause even more issues. If the discs in your lower back are damaged, they can bulge or rupture. This can lead to lower back weakness and ultimately impact your posture.

Heavy Lifting:

For those who have to lift heavy objects at work, or if you are physically active, it can have an impact on your lower back. Regularly lifting heavy objects, especially without proper form, can lead to harmful health issues, including flatback syndrome.

Treating Flatback Syndrome

If you are concerned you may have flatback syndrome, contact a spin doctor right away. They can diagnose the issue and create a treatment plan based on your unique needs. Treating flatback syndrome can include a number of things, including non-surgical and surgical intervention. The team at Yashar Neurosurgery are skilled in issues impacting your back and spine. Contact their team today to schedule a consultation!