Most Common Back Injuries Most People Don’t Think About
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Your spine is a multifaceted part of your body’s makeup that is not only comprised of the bones themselves but also the nerves and muscles it surrounds. Aside from acting as a crucial component of the framework of your body, your spine is also often connected to common back injuries that most people do not think about. Since this area of your body is quite fragile with certain conditions, it is important to be educated on common back injuries and how they are related to your overall health. For more information and to hear about their herniated disc surgery in Los Angeles, contact Dr. Yashar.

Herniated Disc

To understand what a herniated disc entails, it is important to first understand the makeup of the spine as a whole. The spine is comprised of vertebrae, which are individual bones that align to create your spine. However, there is a cushion between each vertebrae, which is the “disc” that is referred to in the name “herniated disc.” This is when there is a problem because the disc itself is out of place and causing surrounding nerves to become irritated. This can be painful to patients who experience it, and it is important to not put off seeing a specialist, like Dr. Yashar, to correct the problem as soon as it arises to get your herniated disc surgery in Los Angeles.

Compression Fracture

When a vertebrae is fractured and it results in a decrease in its height, it is a compression fracture. Often directly related to weak bones, there are three types of compression fractures: wedge fracture, crush fracture, and burst fracture. Each is different based on the location and severity of the fracture; however, there are some common symptoms to be aware of across the board:

• Acute to chronic back pain
• Loss of muscle or height
• Less physical ability and activity

To discuss the symptoms, types of fractures, and treatments of a compression fracture contact Dr. Yashar and his team today.

Bone Spurs

Although not always painful, bone spurs are a spinal issue, which involves abnormal growth on the bone itself. The reason that these are not always painful initially is that they can grow in size overtime before irritating a surrounding bone, nerve, or tissue. Some symptoms to look out for include: localized pain, numbness, and swelling. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, or have experienced bone spurs in the past, it is important to contact Dr. Yashar as soon as possible to access your spine properly.

Pinched Nerve

Perhaps the most common to the everyday person, a pinched nerve is exactly what it sounds like. A result of compression from aging or previously existing conditions, a pinched nerve can cause pain to the surrounding areas, as well a radiating pain that can travel throughout the body. If you have experienced these symptoms recently or even currently, then it is important to schedule an appointment with Dr. Yashar for a diagnosis and treatment plan.

If you are feeling pain, discomfort, or irritation, it is of the utmost importance that you do not write it off. The pain that is being experienced is a way for your body to communicate with you that something is not functioning as it should, so taking the proper steps to take care of your body and listen is the best way to restore its functionality. Whether you have been experiencing acute pain, chronic pain, discomfort, severe pain, or anything in between, it is important that you speak with Dr. Yashar and his team immediately. Contact us today here to discuss your herniated disc surgery in Los Angeles.