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Your Spine after 50 and the Risk of Spinal Stenosis

doctor showing patient artificial spine

Spinal stenosis is a scary name for what can become a frightening condition. In layman’s terms, it is when your spine narrows to the point of putting pressure on your spinal cord. According to the American College of Rheumatology, spinal stenosis is typically a result of osteoarthritis, which is why the vast majority of cases … Read more

Are You Experiencing Upper Back Pain During Your Pregnancy?

doctor showing patient artificial spine

Upper back pain during pregnancy is most common during the third trimester. Still, it can occur at any point in the pregnancy. It is caused by the many changes the body goes through due to the pregnancy. Dr. Yashar recommends you take steps to prevent upper back pain during pregnancy. If you already have it, … Read more

Keeping Sane At Your Desk Job

Rear View Of A Businesswoman Sitting On Fitness Ball Stretching Her Arms

A full-time desk job may seem comfortable, but it actually takes quite a toll on your body. The average person spends the majority of their day at the office, and the majority of that time is spent sitting down. This inactivity at the workplace has led to a rise in obesity for those that have … Read more

What Are the Symptoms Of a Schwannoma?

Over the Shoulder Shot of Senior Medical Scientist Working with CT Brain Scan Images on a Personal Computer in Laboratory. Neurologists in Research Center Work on Brain Tumor Cure.

There are many medical terms and conditions that are popular enough to be known by most people. Then there are conditions, such as schwannoma, that are a bit more obscure. As a premier brain and spine surgeon in Los Angeles, Dr. Yashar wants everyone to be aware of this condition and its symptoms. If you … Read more

Best Exercises for Flat Back Syndrome

Beautiful sporty fit yogini woman practices yoga asana bhujangasana - cobra pose in studio isolated on white

With flat back syndrome, the lower spine loses some of its curvature. Normally, the spine has several gentle front-to-back, or sagittal, curves. These occur in the lower spine, middle spine, and neck. Together, these curves keep the body’s center of gravity aligned over the hips and pelvis. When the lower spine loses its inward curve, … Read more

How to Properly Crack Your Back

Group of young sporty afro american and caucasian people practicing yoga lesson, stretching in upward facing dog exercise, Urdhva mukha shvanasana pose, working out, indoor close up, studio side view

We have all cracked our back at one time or another. It doesn’t always take a professional to know when the mobility in your back can be improved from a good stretch. Most of us are told that cracking our knuckles, neck, and back is not good for us. It stands to reason that hearing … Read more

Does Carpal Tunnel Go Away?

Working too much - suffering from a Carpal tunnel syndrome - young man holding his wrist in pain due to prolonged use of keyboard and mouse over white background (color toned image; shallow DOF)

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a long-feared condition that can be caused by long hours at the computer or overuse of the hands. The condition itself is defined by a small tunnel that forms in the bones of your wrist and hand, putting pressure on the nerves and causing pain. While carpal tunnel can affect how … Read more

Can Scoliosis be Prevented?

X-ray image of teenager patient spine show Scoliosis and spinal bend in young people. Process in blue tone spine mark in red color and have copy space, Medical concept.?

On the surface, scoliosis may seem like an annoying problem, but it can be more than just an inconvenience. With potential complications like heart damage, chronic back pain, and difficulty breathing, a scoliosis diagnosis can change the health trajectory of the patient’s life. If you were diagnosed when you were a child or know someone … Read more

Marijuana Vaping a New and Dangerous Trend Among Teenagers

business logo

They look innocent enough. They’re small and look similar to computer memory flash drives. But vaping pens aren’t safe. Doctors say teens are increasingly using them, however, seriously putting their health at risk and can possibly cause neurological problems. Vaping devices can use chemical oils, marijuana and other drugs and substances. Teens often underestimate the … Read more