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Spinal Cancer Risk Factors

concept image of spinal cancer risk factors

Spinal tumors can end up caused by many different factors. While some genetic conditions could contribute to the development and progression of spinal cancer, risk factors for spinal carcinoma are less well understood than for other types of cancer. More information is being gathered about spinal cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment as a result of … Read more

Are Spinal Tumors Hereditary?

Doctor explaining if spinal tumors are hereditary.

If you have been diagnosed with spinal tumors, it is because you have a small or large growth on your back. These tumors can pop up in a number of different places, from inside the bones of your spine to the spinal canal. But where do they come from? Are spinal tumors hereditary? Can they … Read more

What Causes Whiplash?

doctor showing patient artificial spine

You may have felt it before: That sudden strain of the neck, often followed by a sharp or tearing pain. Whiplash can happen for a variety of reasons, and can put a lot of stress on your neck and spine. But, what exactly causes whiplash? At Yashar Neurosurgery, we want you to have the best … Read more