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What Age Is the Most at Risk for a Herniated Disc?

featured image for article about what age i the mots at risk for a herniated disc

Herniated discs are a hazardous condition that can endanger and incapacitate one should the problem reach a certain degree of severity. But what age is the most at risk for a herniated disc? Herniated discs can hypothetically affect anyone of any age, but are most commonly experienced by those between the ages of 30 and … Read more

Top Risk Factors for a Herniated Disc

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The spine is made up of vertebrae with disc-shaped cushions between them, helping to cushion your spine and keep your bones from rubbing together. These cushions contain a soft, gel-like center. When this center pops and the gel leaks out, or the disc slips and is not correctly positioned in your spine, you could have … Read more

Spinal Cancer Risk Factors

concept image of spinal cancer risk factors

Spinal tumors can end up caused by many different factors. While some genetic conditions could contribute to the development and progression of spinal cancer, risk factors for spinal carcinoma are less well understood than for other types of cancer. More information is being gathered about spinal cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment as a result of … Read more