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Symptoms of Bone Spurs

doctor showing patient artificial spine

If you have noticed an unusual bump somewhere along your body and are concerned about what it might be, one possibility is a bone spur. Bone spurs are very small and pointed pieces of bone that are excess growths from one or more of the bones in your body. Before you self-diagnose any bumps, read … Read more

How Your Spine Changes as You Age

As we grow, our bones, and most substantially, our spines grow and elongate along with us. But as we continue to age, it is also common that we lose that bone density and often shrink because of old age. There are several reasons why your spine changes throughout your life and there are ways to … Read more

How Spinal Compression Fractures Happen

Back pain is a common affliction that can occur in many people, from kids to senior citizens. In most cases, this pain is a result of strenuous days, athletic endeavors or poor sleeping positions. But sometimes, back pain can be the symptom of a larger and substantially more serious problem like spinal compression fractures. This … Read more

Pinched Nerve Causes

Human anatomy

Many people have experienced the feeling of a pinched nerve: numbness, weakness, tingling, burning, or hot/cold sensations. But, what is a pinched nerve? And what causes pinched nerves? A pinched nerve results from too much pressure or compression being applied to a nerve by its surrounding tissues. This tissue can be any number of things, … Read more

Avoid These Back-Pain Mistakes

Man in home office suffering from low back pain standing near desk with notebook, papers and other objects

Chronic back and neck pain can cause serious health issues and have a tremendous impact on a person’s quality of life. If you are looking for a nonsurgical procedure to relieve your pain, look no further than Dr. Yashar and his spinal decompression Beverly Hills. Read on to learn what unhealthy habits to avoid so … Read more

What You Need to Know About Compression Fractures

doctor showing patient artificial spine

If you’ve suffered from a painful injury that affects your spine, you might have a compression fracture. While it may or may not lead to osteoporosis, it’s imperative to understand the causes and symptoms of a dangerous compression fracture. At the office of Dr. Yashar there are many ways to look for the signs of … Read more

What Issues can Spinal Decompression Treat?

doctor showing patient artificial spine

Chronic back and neck pain can cause serious health issues and have a tremendous impact on a person’s quality of life. If you are looking for a nonsurgical procedure to relieve your pain, look no further than Dr. Yashar and spinal decompression in Los Angeles. What is Spinal Decompression Nonsurgical spinal decompression uses traction to … Read more

Are You a Candidate for Spinal Decompression Therapy?

doctor showing patient artificial spine

If you suffer from back pain or any related symptoms, you know how disruptive it can be to your life. If the pain persists for an abnormal length of time, you find yourself looking for permanent relief. Many people investigate spinal decompression, both surgical and nonsurgical. Read on to learn more about minimally invasive spinal … Read more

Causes of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

doctor showing patient artificial spine

Failed back surgery syndrome defines a prolonged pain or discomfort after a failed back surgery. A patient may experience this pain for a variety of different reasons, and they all require a good amount of postoperative evaluation to determine the cause. It is important that the back surgeon identifies the problem as soon as possible. … Read more

How is Lumbar Decompression Performed?

doctor showing patient artificial spine

Back pain, no matter the cause, can be debilitating for those who suffer from it. Identifying the cause can help determine a course of treatment, but the spine is a complex structure of bones, nerves muscles, tendons, ligaments and discs. These factors combine to help support the body and allow us to stand upright. The … Read more